The debut of self-love: The journey begins here

One day, at a particular moment you realize that the person you love can never be attained. You realize that you search for the love you don’t give yourself in a person who cares zero about your life. And it hurts. But how can you suddenly love someone you’ve hated all your life. You took every chance you had to bully and hurt yourself. And now the decision you’ve taken to love yourself seems selfish to you.

Broken down to the point, where the voice in the back of your mind asks, “ Do you deserve to be happy? “.

But that’s okay. Don’t beat yourself up. When you actually start taking efforts to fight the voice you constantly hear, it does get better.
It’s not easy. It doesn’t happen in a single day. But things will change. Life will become a bit more happier.

The beginning of the journey of self-love is to go after you for once in your life, instead of chasing after someone who does not care about you.
Something to remember when embarking on the journey of self-love is to be kind always, to you and others. But I wanna talk about altruism as an essential part of self-love in some other post. Clinging to someone to fill the void within you will destroy you and them. A relationship should be about love, growth, loyalty, and happiness. It is important to know that being single and happy can fit in the same box.

Right now, You are the priority. Start loving someone who has been craving for your love for a long time. Baby steps. That’s what matters.

Author Notes:

1. For people who don’t understand the term – Altruism, it simply means selflessness.

2. This is about the start of the journey of self love. Somewhere along my life so far I realized that I had fallen out of love with myself. As a child you adore yourself, speak what comes to your mind and always be happy, but as you grow up, new emotions get activated and you become more self-aware. Relationships are romanticized a bit too much, and enjoying your own company becomes less cool. I realized after I grew up I had an unhealthy relationship with myself which I had to resolve in order to become more comfortable with myself. This post is about beginning the journey, the first step that triggers your journey. Hope you guys like it.


The butterfly girl.

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